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Category Archives: Technology and Education Discussion 2023

Through correespondence education.

Published on July 8th, 2024 | by Mamu


Through correspondence education.

Published on July 8th, 2024 | by Mamu

I correspondence education maily can’t understand science subjects. Try it is my favorite class. Excellnt teacher from トライさん teach me free and easy to understand. But sometimes I worry their classes because they just go by text book. So, it is diffcult for me to try applied questions. And when I encounder difficult question, I think it’s a hassle to open the video. How is everyone coping?

advantages and disadvantages of correspondence course

Published on July 1st, 2024 | by Miyu

I’m studying through correspondence courses to obtain a qualification. So, I got to know an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is that I can study anywhere in my spare time. The disadvantage is that don’t make any progress in my studies. I can go at my own pace, but I’m not good at time management, so I don’t watch classes. So here’s the question. What do you think disadvantages of correspondence course? Also, what actions should I take to proceed with the class?

Difficulty of my college life

Published on June 12th, 2023 | by Yuka

I became a university student this spring and I am very fulfilling, but there are also many difficulties. The biggest difficulty is submitting a assignment. This does not mean that homework is difficult. It is difficult to submit using various websites. For example, the LMS used to submit GEL and foreign language II assignments is different from the LMS used to submit etical and human rights assignments. Until I was in high school, assignments were basically submitted on paper. The education is changing drastically with the development of information technology. I want to adapt to this change because I want to become a teacher in the future.

My current educational experience

Published on June 9th, 2023 | by Mina

I was surprised the difference between education of this university and education of my high school after entering this university. Also, I realized an advantage and a disadvantage of ICT after using ICT for study.

When I study and do assignments, I must use ICT. However, I often have trouble with my computer such as communication failure and lack of understanding of how to use. It is difficult to use ICT well, because when I was a high school student, I usually used notebooks and textbooks, and I used ICT just a little. So, I was surprised the difference between education of this university and education of my high school.

After I use ICT in class, I realized an advantage of ICT. By using ICT, asynchronous learning can be done in online classes, so ICT enable learners who cannot attend classes at particular time to learn consistently. I think it is essential for learners to match individual needs.

However, I realized a disadvantage of ICT. It is that the difference of digital divide got bigger through online class. For example, some people can use computers well, but others cannot. People who are good at using computers can lead in them, and people who are not can be at a disadvantage.

Therefore, I think it is important to use ICT for study with understanding some advantages and disadvantages of ICT. I want to try to use ICT well in order to teach with using advantages of ICT for students in the future.

Current education experience

Published on June 9th, 2023 | by Kaede

When I entered university, I was a little worried that most things were done with ICT.

It simplifies submission of assignments and reduces the burden on instructors, but there are problems.

Recently, I took a class using ICT, but there was a problem and I was not able to take a satisfactory class. Also, I have little experience in ICT and have little knowledge, so I think it will be difficult for such people.

My current educational experience

Published on June 9th, 2023 | by Ousuke

I have a lot of assignments of online in the university. I heve a good point and bad point about my assignmrnt.

First, I can feel free to do my assignments when I have free time. It is useful for me to submit my assignment.

Second, sometimes I don’t know how to submit or how to solve problems due to system problems.

current education experience

Published on June 9th, 2023 | by Kotoha

I have not really experience forums when I was a high school student. It is because the classes were almost to seek using practical skills in my high school. Although, art competitions have become held on the Internet since due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We had to hand in our works to the art competition with their pictures. I felt sad that our works were rated to be seen only with pictures. I had not painted with all my might because even if I drew it in detail, the judges can’t look the effort. There is a limit to the image quality of the pictures. It is not good for education. If you are acquired better skills for students, it is better to make an opportunity that they can watch works directly.

                        However, I believe they are good tools for learning. I’m starting to use forums for learning from when it is started the classes in the college. It is efficient to learn something. It is valid what I can learn anytime I want or I can review it if I can’t understand the contents.

                            Therefore, I believe it is really efficient for learning but it is not good to evaluate our works. It is important to consider the purposes.

my current education experience

Published on June 9th, 2023 | by Rio

In university classes, I have to submit my assignments online. However, it has a lot of problems.

First, errors often occur but professors don’t realize it. When it happens, it’s difficult to submit the assignment and our grade will be lower. Also, technical mistakes are not discovered by people so we have many problems getting responses and feedback from students and teachers.

Second, some students find it difficult to submit homework at their home because of the gap in the internet environment. It is unfair that students in a bad environment get lower grades.

All the reasons mentioned above, the system students submit assignments online is inconvenient.

My current educational experience

Published on June 9th, 2023 | by Aika

I started to use ICT materials in education after COVID-19, however, my high school did not often use technology in education before it. After COVID-19, we used Google Classroom and Google Meet in some classes, but not often. My high school tried to use ICT in education after the closure of a school because of COVID-19, so in the term of closure a school we did not have enough equipment and experience. Consequently, we had difficulties to make good use of it.
After I entered this university, I had more opportunities to use ICT materials in the classes, for example, we had classes via Zoom, use our laptops in the classes to make slides, answering questions such as e-learning. At first, I could not make full use of it, but I can use it better than before.
I think it is effective to learn because we can study everywhere and every time, also the class uses the movie about the content related to the class, and we can watch it whenever we want to. However, it has not only advantages but also disadvantages. There are some people who do not study by themselves, so arises a difference between people who study and not.
Therefore, I have some experience using ICT in education. I want to use it more effectively when I study at this university and after being an English teacher in the future.


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    active 6 months, 3 weeks ago
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