Home » Guide to HUEA Campus

Guide to HUEA Campus

We’ve got some write ups of different parts of  the HUEA campus so you can know more about it before you arrive:

In The Education Building (教育棟)


The Co-op (生協)


The Main Campus Buildings (P , S , C , N, L)

On our campus, five buildings are linked together so you don’t have to walk outside to go from one to another. In fact, you may barely notice that you’ve changed buildings. The P-building (“Public Education”) is connected to the “S”-building (social sciences?). In the S-building, you can find the student affairs office (学務グループ) on the second floor, Japanese major on the first floor), and social sciences (ethics, philosophy, economics, law, sociology, social studies education, geography)  on the third and fourth floors.


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